Determinants of Reproductive Morbidity among Teenage Mother:Evidences from NFHS-2 Data

C.P. Prakasam, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
S. Radhakrishnan, Tata Institute of Social Sciences

In this paper an attempt was made to study the Reproductive morbidity among teenage mothers in India. Data were collected from the National family health survey -2. From the NFHS-2 currently married women in the age group 12-19 years, experienced pregnancy have been identified as teenage mothers. Teenage mothers data were collected for the Six States Viz: Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, and Bihar. Information regarding Socio-economic variables, reproductive history, reproductive morbidity and advice taken for reproductive morbidity has been considered collected from NFHS-2 data. Self-reporting morbidity information regarding reproductive tract infection (RTI) has been identified as Reproductive morbidity. Absence of reproductive tract infection (RTIs) is essential for the reproductive health of both women and men and is critical for their ability to meet their reproductive goals. There are three different types of reproductive tract infections for women: endogenous infections that are caused by the multiplying organisms normaly present in the vagina; iatrogenic infections caused by the introduction of bacteria or other infection-causing micro-organisms through medical procedures such as an IUD insertion; and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). NFHS-2 collected information from women on some common reproductive morbidity symptoms related to RTIs : Problems with abnormal vaginal discharge or urinary tract infections in three months preceding survey, intercourse-related pain (often), and bleeding after intercourse (ever). Specifically the reproductive morbidity problems have been listed from women's self-reported experience with each of the following health problems: Vaginal discharge accompanied by itching, by irritation around the vaginal area, by bad odor, by severe lower abdominal pain, fever, or by any other problem; pain or burning while urinating or frequent or difficult urination; and painful intercourse or bleeding after intercourse. Women who experienced more than one or more problem can be identified as high risk for RTI/STI. Further information regarding advice taken for these morbid conditions have been collected from currently married teenage mothers in selected six states in India. Reproductive morbidity index has been calculated by giving score "1" for women who had experienced and "0" for not experienced for the above 8 morbid conditions. This reproductive morbidity index has been cross classified and analyzed to know the determinants for the selected six states. Results shows that among study women, 54 percent in Andhra Pradesh,41 percent in Tamil Nadu, 40 percent in Kerala, 47 percent Uttar Pradesh, 43 percent Madhya Pradesh and 46 percent in Bihar women experienced one or more Reproductive morbidity conditions. From the analysis it was evident that at least 40 percent teenage mothers having reproductive morbidity conditions. Repeated deliveries, deliveries at early age (<17 years), young mothers, birth interval, and education of women, husband and religion have been considered as determinants. As an index of nutritional status, Body Mass Index (BMI) has been calculated. Logit regression analysis has been applied to determine the factors influencing reproductive morbidity condition among teenage mothers. Regression analysis revealed women delivered more than once, having mean body mass index less than 18.5 had more odds (risk) than reference group. The variation between Developed states (Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu and Kerala) developing states (UP, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh) has been observed. -----------------------------

Presented in Poster Session 1: Reproductive Health and Family Planning