Initiation of Sexual Intercourse and Its Related Factors among Japanese Youths
Ryuzaburo Sato, National Institute of Population and Social Security Research, Japan
Makoto Atoh, National Institute of Population and Social Security Research, Japan
Gianpiero Dalla Zuanna, University of Padua
(Extended Abstract) 1.Context In Japan, the proportion of never-married young men and women who have experienced sexual intercourse has continuously increased and the induced abortion rate for teenagers has been on the rise. Meanwhile the total fertility rate has declined far below the replacement level and the mean age of first marriages for men and women has been increasing. It is also reported that Chlamydia and other sexually- transmitted infections are rapidly spreading among young Japanese people. To measure the present condition of the initiation of sexual intercourse and to explain the differences in sexual behavior among them are very important for both population studies and public health activities. 2.Data In 2001, we performed a survey on adolescent sexual behavior and reproductive health as a part of cross-national surveys, using a questionnaire originally made by Gianpiero Dalla Zuanna at the University of Padua (University of Messina, at that time) and other Italian researchers. The Japan survey investigated 906 students (334 males and 572 females) aged 19-21 at 21 universities all over the country. In this paper we use the survey data to report the first results of the examination on the beginning of sexual intercourse for young Japanese men and women. 3.Major Findings and Tentative Conclusions (1) 59.5% of male students and 57.6% of female students have experienced sexual intercourse. The median age for experiencing sexual intercourse for the first time is 18 for both men and women. (2) The relationship between the age of first experiencing sexual intercourse and certain social conditions, such as where they were living while attending secondary school, their parent's education, and their religion, is obscure. (3) Earlier sexual intercourse is associated with living away from one's parents, engaging in risky behavior such as speeding, having friends of the opposite sex, having a steady relationship, and wanting to " keep up with the latest fashion trends." These first results suggest that in Japan, the socioeconomic structure and social class may not be important factors in explaining the differences in the beginning of sex among Japanese youths. On the other hand, behavioral factors and opportunity (steady dating) may be of critical importance. Reference Dalla Zuanna, Gianpiero, Makoto Atoh, Maria Castiglioni, and Katsuhisa Kojima (1998) "Late marriage among young people: The case of Italy and Japan" Genus, 54(3-4):187-232. Miller, Brent C. and Kristin A. Moore (1990) "Adolescent sexual behavior, pregnancy, and parenting: Research through the 1980s" Journal of Marriage and the Family, 52:1025-1044. Sato, Ryuzaburo (1999) "Sexual behavior among unmarried Japanese youths: From the 11th Japanese National Fertility Survey" (presented at the 14th World Congress of Sexology, Hong Kong, August 24, 1999: S.1-E). Sato, Ryuzaburo and Miho Iwasawa (2001) "Contraceptive use in Japan: 1987-1997" (presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, Washington, DC, March 30, 2001: P-6-12). Sato, Ryuzaburo (2002) "Adolescent reproductive health in Japan: Demographic and policy dimensions" (presented at the Annual Meeting of the Population Association of America, Atlanta, May 11, 2002: S.139-4). Whitebech, Les B., Kevin A. Yoder, Dan R. Hoyt, and Rand D. Cogner (1999) "Early adolescent sexual activity: A developmental study" Journal of Marriage and the Family, 61:934-946.
Presented in Poster Session 1: Reproductive Health and Family Planning