Managing Caregivers in Singapore Organizations: Why and How the State Should Become Involved
Theresa W. Devasahayam, National University of Singapore
In Singapore, the State has defined the family as the site for eldercare with the rationale that it promotes filial piety, a cultural value intrinsic to society. In the majority of private- and public-sector organizations, there is an absence of a leave scheme for employed caregivers. This paper examines the urgent need for a more family-friendly work policy for employed caregivers. The author stresses that employers have a significant role to play. Currently, there is little employer support. Employers see no urgency for a provision for employed caregivers under the current Employment Act itself. The author argues that the onus is for the State to act by reinscribing the role of the employer. Furthermore, by adopting an active role in mandating employer support, the State is also reinforcing its own efforts to uphold filial piety.
Presented in Session 8: Family, Work, and Time with Dependents