Spousal Communication and HIV-Preventive Behaviors among Men in Uganda
Anastasia J. Gage, Tulane University
Disha Ali, Tulane University
This paper examines factors promoting spousal communication about HIV prevention and the extent to such communication is important for the adoption of HIV-preventive behaviors. The data come from the 2000 Uganda Demographic and Health Survey. We examine the extent to which spousal communication is related to the following outcomes: (1) condom use at last sexual intercourse; (2) HIV-testing; and (3) sexual fidelity in the past 12 months. It is hypothesized that spousal communication about HIV-prevention is positively associated with condom use at last sex and HIV-testing and has stronger positive effects on condom use at last sexual intercourse when attitudes towards condom use are positive. Findings suggest that the frequency of spousal communication about family planning creates an environment conducive to open communication in the dyad, which in turn, exerts a direct positive effect on the adoption of safer-sex strategies.
Presented in Session 48: Men's Health Knowledge, Risks, and Behavior across the Life Cycle