Fertility Transition in Mongolia in a Period 1960-1998
Gereltuya Altankhuyag, University of Southampton
Ian D. Diamond, University of Southampton
At first, the paper aims to identify periods of fertility transition in Mongolia and find out its place among other countries. Then it attempts to fit it into fertility transition theories that exist up to now. The paper attempts to identify direct and indirect determinants of fertility decline in Mongolia for a period of 1960-1998. Data are drawn from the Reproductive Health Survey of Mongolia conducted in 1998 and from Population and Housing Census 2000. Preliminary findings suggest that changes in fertility can be divided into three periods: a)pre-transition – 1960-1975; b) the onset of transition – at around 1976; c) post - transition – 1976-1998. The later can be split into two periods: centrally planned (socialist) and market economy. Fertility decreased substantially after 1990. Postponement of age at first marriage and child death were influential factors of the fertility changes for the whole period.
Presented in Session 134: High and Declining Fertility