Association between Violence and Gynaecological Disorders: Some Findings from 1999 Guizhou Male's Role in Reproductive Health Survey, China
Yunrong Liu, National Research Institute for Family Planning, China
Liying Zhang, Mahidol University
Shah Iqbal, World Health Organization (WHO)
Objectives: To study the association male's physical and sexual violence and spouse's gynaecological disorders. Methods: Cross-sectional PPS sample survey of married couple aged less than 50 years was conducted in Guizhou Province, China. Analysis was based on 1909 couples, out of a total of 2084 couples interviewed. Results: Overall 761 women (39.9%) was ever attacked by their spouses their wives for some reason(39.9%). Furthermore, 126 (6.6%) and 110 (5.8%) women reported unwilling sexual intercourse behavior and menses intercourse behavior, respectively. Multivariate analysis showed an association between woman's gynaecological disorders and their spouse's violent behavior, forced sexual intercourse, menses intercourse and low-level education. Conclusion: Women's gynaecological disorders is associated with spouse's violent behaviors and inappropriate intercourse.
Presented in Poster Session 1: Reproductive Health and Family Planning