Education Prospects in India
Anne Goujon, Austrian Academy of Sciences
Kirsty McNay, London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
The scope of the project is the projections of the educational levels of attainment of the populations in fifteen administrative Indian States (representing more than 95% of the population of India) based on the 2001 census data for the period 2001-2026. In each state, the population to be projected is sub-divided into four distinct groups according to educational attainment. Each sub-population is further stratified by age (5-year age groups) and sex, and can be represented through a separate population pyramid. The key parameters of the model are fertility differentials by education and three sets of age and sex specific educational transition rates, i.e., the age-specific intensities for young men or women to move, e.g., from the category of ‘middle education’ to that of ‘higher education’. The scenarios will show (1) the potential of fertility reductions due to increase in enrollments and (2)the human capital composition in the next 25 years.
Presented in Session 162: Population and Household Forecasting in Developing Countries