Intermarriage and Immigration in Denmark

Vera L. Botelho, University of Southern Denmark
Helle Aagaard-Hansen, University of Southern Denmark

This paper examines the occurency of mixed marriage in Denmark and its association with the immigration process.Besides considering general features of intermarriages between Danish and immigrants, this study also look at in-depth two ethnic groups:Turkish and Pakistani. Special attention is given to the length of residence in Denmark (1st or 2nd generation) and the age of those who intermarry vis a vis those who marry partners of their own groups. Additionally, this study also examine diversities on spouse-age differences within the two types of marriages. Data are provided by Denmarks Statistics and cover the years 1994 and 1999. Preliminary results indicate surprising small influence of length of residence on the propensity of immigrants to intermarry and significant differences in age of partners of intermarriages between Danish females and immigrant males.

Presented in Session 141: Immigrant Adaptation in Europe and Australia