The Use of Rapid Assessment Techniques to Acquire Baseline Data in Squatter Communities: The Case of Palawan Province, the Philippines
James W. McNally, University of Michigan
John Poggie, University of Rhode Island
This paper compares specific results obtained from RAP survey approaches used in Year 1 to results obtained through probability sampling in Year 2. Specifically we examine the response patterns and weighted results for 17 identical questions fielded in Year 1 and Year 2 of the fieldwork period. Additionally we test and compare results from analysis related to household incomes and wealth measured obtained from independent instruments. These tests will measure both the efficacy of RAP approached where there is one to one correspondence between questions and sensitivity analysis of difference in response patterns when different instruments are used in a RAP framework and a probability sampling framework. Preliminary results argue that RAP techniques provide replicable and valid results when performed under controlled circumstances. These results argue that RAP approaches can offer a viable methodology for obtaining baseline information when time, money or personnel impact the use of tradition statistical approaches
Presented in Session 159: Land Use and Migration