Residential Moves and Residential Choices of the Foreign Born
William A.V. Clark, University of California, Los Angeles
RESIDENTIAL MOVES AND RESIDENTIAL CHOICES OF THE FOREIGN BORN William A. V. Clark and Sarah Blue ABSTRACT There is evidence that the residential relocations of the foreign born are following paths established by white suburban movers four decades ago. Hispanics and Asians are increasingly choosing suburban locations.There are two unknowns about these flows -- what are the spatial outcomes of the flows and who are the foreign born who are able to make this upward and outward movement. Data from the 1990 and 2000 Census show that the foreign born in the suburbs are less likely to be living with other foreign born although the outcome varies by ethnicity. Logit models of foreign born choices of suburban location show that marital status, citizenship time of arrival and tenure all play a role in the likelihood of suburban residence.
Presented in Session 79: International Insights on Internal Migration and Population Redistribution