Consistency in the Reporting of Sexual Behavior among Adolescent Girls in Kisumu, Kenya: A Comparison of Interviewing Methods

Paul Hewett, Population Council
Barbara Mensch, Population Council
Annabel Erulkar, Population Council

The goal of the proposed paper is to build on earlier research in Nyeri District, Kenya where the use of audio computer assisted self-interviewing (audio-CASI) was first investigated for collecting data on sensitive behaviors. The data to be used are based on a household survey of unmarried adolescents in Kisumu district in Kenya including approximately 2,100 unmarried adolescents between the ages of 15 and 21. The results obtained from Kisumu district will be compared with data from Nyeri district. In addition to describing differentials by district and interview mode in the reporting of sexual behavior, the paper will evaluate differences in reporting along a continuum of questions from less to more sensitive, evaluate the consistency of responses between the question “have you ever had sex” and more specific queries of sexual activity, and evaluate the consistency of questions asked at two points in time over the course of the interview.

Presented in Session 122: Measurement and Methods in Asking Questions about Sex