How Does the Interaction between Readiness, Willingness, and Ability Affect the Use of Contraception in India?
Mariachiara Di Cesare, University of Rome
In this paper we focus on the interaction of the three main components of diffusion processes (Lesthaeghe 2001): readiness, willingness, and ability, and their relationship with fertility transition and family limitation in India. The data we used are the Indian Second National Family Health Survey conducted in 1998-99. Our micro-level study is based on logistic models for the three components as alternative dependent variables. Probabilities obtained can be read as measure of resistance to changes. Using women’s predicted probabilities of belonging to one of each of the three main groups, we estimate the number of women having one observed precondition who also possess one or both of the other two. With the approach introduced we examine the interactions between preconditions that we otherwise could not investigate, and we can provide a complete description of the mechanism of diffusion and of the power of preconditions for the generalized use of contraception.
Presented in Session 134: High and Declining Fertility