Parental Factors in Adolescent Sexual Risk-Taking in Ivory Coast

Stella Babalola, Johns Hopkins University
Basile O. Tambashe, Tulane University
Claudia Vondrasek, Johns Hopkins University

Ivory Coast is the country worst affected by the HIV epidemic in West Africa and youth in this country are particularly vulnerable. This paper examines the relationships between parental factors and adolescent sexual risk-taking using logistic regression and survival analysis methods. The three parental factors examined in the paper - living in the same household as the father during childhood, perceived parental disapproval of early and premarital pregnancy, and parent-child communication about sexual abstinence are positively associated with primary sexual abstinence, reduced number of sex partners and secondary sexual abstinence. The findings clearly indicate that parental monitoring and control are critical factors and underscore the need to target parents and guardians in efforts to promote responsible sexual behaviors among adolescents. It is important to promote parent-child communication about sexual issues and empower parents and guardians to communicate effectively with their children and wards about sexual issues.

Presented in Session 14: Adolescent Sexual Risk-Taking