Financial Arrangements in Marital and Cohabiting Unions with Children: An Analysis of the Income Allocation Methods of Fathers of Mainland Puerto Ricans *
Sal Oropesa, Pennsylvania State University
Nancy S. Landale, Pennsylvania State University
Tanya Kenkre, Pennsylvania State University
The rise of cohabitation and the growing share of births to cohabiting couples have led to speculation that the boundary between marriage and cohabitation is blurring. We address one part of this issue by demonstrating the implications of union type for financial arrangements in mainland Puerto Rican families with children. The analysis shows that married fathers are more likely than cohabiting fathers to pool their income. Cohabiting fathers are more likely to provide no support, irregular support, or a regular allowance. We find no support for the assertion that these differences result from socioeconomic or demographic factors that foster uncertainty. The analysis also demonstrates that income allocation methods are stable over time, once differences in union dissolution by allocation method are considered. The discussion emphasizes the need for research on the ways in which financial ties reflect and reinforce the bonds between partners.
Presented in Session 71: Cohabitation and Exchange