Values and Norms Related to: Contraception, Fertility and Family. The Case of Poland
Ewa Fratczak, Warsaw School of Economics
Janusz Balicki, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University
The last ten years of political and social transformations in Poland have had undoubted impact on demographic attitudes and behaviors. Paper presents descriptive analysis of the survey results “The evaluation of changes in attitudes and behaviors in young and middle-age generations in Poland and their influence on the process of formation and dissolution of family, union and household”, which was conducted in Poland in 2001. Evaluation of norms and values is related to contraception, fertility and family includes both sexes and gender aspect. Descriptive analysis of survey’s results is preceded by a description of the theories and hypotheses on: fertility and values, life course destandarization and values, children and values, gender, religion and values. In the paper special attention is given to the approach taking into consideration the present situation of Poland – as a country in the transition.
Presented in Session 130: Values, Attitudes, and the Family in Europe and Asia