Thursday, May 1 / 1:30 PM - 3:20 PM   •   Marquette

Session 37:
Transitions from Adolescence to Adulthood

Chair: Valarie King, Pennsylvania State University
Discussant: Jeylan T. Mortimer, University of Minnesota

  1. Better Late than Never? An Examination of Delayed Enrollment in the High School to College TransitionRobert Bozick, Johns Hopkins University ; Stefanie DeLuca, Johns Hopkins University

  2. American Women’s Transition to Adulthood in Comparative PerspectiveElizabeth Fussell, Tulane University ; Anne H. Gauthier, University of Calgary

  3. The School to Work Transition for Adolescents with DisabilitiesDennis Hogan, Brown University ; Thomas Wells, Brown University

  4. Growing up Too Fast? The Implications of Precocious Social Competence in Young Adults from Disrupted FamiliesDonna R. Morrison, Georgetown University

Other sessions on Children and Youth