Friday, May 2 / 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM   •   Directors Row 1

Session 76:
Age Patterns of Migration

Chair: Larry Long, U.S. Census Bureau

  1. Migration during the Relatively Stationary Mid-Life Years: Migration among Mid-Lifers by County ContextE. Helen Berry, Utah State University ; Michael B. Toney, Utah State University ; John Cromartie, U.S. Department of Agriculture (DOA)

  2. Recent Age-Specific Net Migration Patterns in the United StatesKenneth M. Johnson, Loyola University Chicago ; Glenn V. Fuguitt, University of Wisconsin at Madison ; Roger B. Hammer, University of Wisconsin at Madison

  3. Mobile Nation? Migration and the Effects of Changing Age Structure and Family Characteristics in the U.S., 1981-2001Kimberlee A. Shauman, University of California, Davis

  4. County Net Migration Rates by Age, Sex and Race/Ethnicity, 1990 to 2000: Methodology and OutcomesPaul R. Voss, University of Wisconsin at Madison ; Scott C. McNiven, University of Wisconsin at Madison ; Glenn V. Fuguitt, University of Wisconsin at Madison ; Kenneth M. Johnson, Loyola University Chicago

Other sessions on Migration and Urbanization