Session 85:
Socioeconomic Status and Health among the Elderly in the U.S.
Chair: Robert M. Hauser, University of Wisconsin at Madison
Discussant: Thomas DiPrete, Duke University
Trends in Socioeconomic Differentials in Mortality and Risk Factor Distributions by Age, Race, and Gender Irma T. Elo, University of Pennsylvania ; Kirsten Smith, University of Pennsylvania
Inequality in Adult Mortality in the United States: Measurement and Determinants Emmanuela E. Gakidou, World Health Organization (WHO) ; Ajay Tandon, World Health Organization (WHO) ; Gary King, Harvard University
Functioning, Disability and Health among Older Americans: Evidence from the National Health Interview Survey, 1997-2000 Diane S. Shinberg, University of Memphis
The Cumulative Impact of Job Characteristics on Health at Midlife John R. ("Rob") Warren, University of Minnesota ; Pascale Carayon, University of Wisconsin at Madison ; Peter Honnakker, University of Wisconsin at Madison
Other sessions on Population and Aging