Friday, May 2 / 10:30 AM - 12:20 PM   •   Rochester

Session 88:
Public Policy and the Wellbeing of Children and Youth

Chair: Kristin Moore, Child Trends
Discussant: Sandra Hofferth, University of Maryland

  1. The Impact of Child Support on Fertility, Parental Investments and Child Health and Well-BeingAnna Aizer, Princeton University ; Sara McLanahan, Princeton University

  2. The Impact of the WIC Program on Pregnancy, Infant, and Child OutcomesMarianne Bitler, RAND ; Janet Currie, University of California, Los Angeles

  3. Exploring the Effects of the National School Lunch Program on Child Obesity and Development Using the Early Childhood Longitudinal StudyRachel Dunifon, Cornell University ; Lori Kowaleski-Jones, University of Utah

  4. A Reconsideration of an Oft-Used Method of Program EvaluationCraig G. Gundersen, U.S. Department of Agriculture (DOA) ; Dean Jolliffe, U.S. Department of Agriculture (DOA) ; Laura Tiehen, U.S. Department of Agriculture (DOA)

Other sessions on Children and Youth