Friday, May 2 / 10:30 AM - 12:20 PM   •   Directors Row 2

Session 91:
Interracial Contact

Chair: Richard Alba, University at Albany, State University of New York
Discussant: Margo Anderson, University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee

  1. Between Acculturation, Segregation and Assimilation: Examining the Association between Racial Contact and Psychological DistressJenifer Bratter, University of Houston ; Karl Eschbach, University of Houston

  2. Mixed Race Households, Residential Segregation, and Neighborhood DiversitySteven R. Holloway, University of Georgia ; Mark Ellis, University of Washington ; Richard Wright, Dartmouth College ; Margaret A. Hudson, University of Georgia

  3. Meet the Parents: Why Interracial Intimacy Declines in the Transition to AdulthoodKara Joyner, Cornell University ; Grace Kao, University of Pennsylvania

  4. Socioeconomic Outcomes of Children of Interracial and Same-Race CouplesThomas Wells, Brown University

Other sessions on Race and Ethnicity