Poster Session 5:
Health and Mortality
The Effect of the Changing Composition of Births on Infant Mortality in Africa Mark S. Mather, Population Reference Bureau ; Peter J. Donaldson, Population Reference Bureau
Environmental and Socio-Demographic Risk Factors of Childhood Mortality: Evidence from Longitudinal Surveillance Data Kubaje Adazu, Brown University
Risk of Child Mortality Due to Environmental Hazards in Rural Bangladesh Md. Kapil Ahmed, ICDDR,B: Centre for Health and Population Research ; Peter K. Streatfield, ICDDR,B: Centre for Health and Population Research
Community Effects on Infant Mortality in Rural India: A Multilevel Approach to Prioritize the Program Inputs Damodar Sahu, Institute for Research in Medical Statistics (ICMR) ; Arvind Pandey, Indian Council of Medical Research ; Sada Nand Dwivedi, All India Institute of Medical Sciences
Influence of Ethnic Differentials in Socioeconomic Status and Health Care on Childhood Mortality Kuniko Chijiwa, University of Florida
Estimating the Effect of Living Standards on Childhood Mortality in Rural Malawi Henry V. Doctor, University of Pennsylvania
Poverty, Education, Race, and Pregnancy Outcome David A. Savitz, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ; Jay S. Kaufman, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ; Nancy Dole, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ; Anna Maria Siega-Riz, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ; John M. Thorp, Jr., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ; Diane Kaczor, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
External shocks, state management and under-five mortality in Zambia Michel Garenne, Institut de Recherche pour le Développement (IRD) ; Eneas Gakusi, Centre D'Etudes et de Recherches sur le Développement International (CERDI) ; Christopher Grigoriou, Centre D'Etudes et de Recherches sur le Développement International (CERDI)
Environmental Impact on Health in the New Era of India: A Study of Mumbai Mega City Ashok Kumar, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
The Persistence of Rural-Urban Health Gap Among Under-Five Children in Sub-Saharan Africa Jacob Adetunji, U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)
The Impact of SES on Relationships between Children's Medical Impairments and Their Physical and Mental Health Status and School Attendance Roger Avery, Brown University ; Michael Msall, Brown University ; Michelle L. Rogers, Brown University
Functional Health among Schoolage Latino Children Barbara Zsembik, University of Florida ; Amy K Johnson, University of Florida
Education, Health Knowledge & Child Health in Ghana Catherine N. Stiff, Brown University
Declines in Childhood Anemia in Kazakstan: How Fast and for Whom? Benjamin Moulton, University of Texas at Austin ; Amanda Maedgen, University of Texas at Austin
Maternal Employment, Malnutrition and Morbidity among Children in Tamilnadu, India Alesan Thangasamy, Kamaraj College
Community Collective Efficacy and Adolescent Health in Los Angeles Deborah Cohen, RAND ; Brian K. Finch, RAND
Family Structure and Adolescent Obesity Christine Himes, Syracuse University
Seasonal Mortality in Denmark. The Role of Sex and Age Roland Rau, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research ; Gabriele Doblhammer, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research
Gender and Socioeconomic Inequalities in Health and Healthcare Use for Children in Rural Bangladesh: Does Public Health Intervention Make a Difference? Nurul Alam, ICDDR,B: Centre for Health and Population Research
Explaining High Rates of Hunger and Food Insecurity in Oregon Mark E. Edwards, Oregon State University ; Bruce A. Weber, Oregon State University
Do Work Characteristics Affect Health? Experiences of the Middle-Aged in East Asia Yean-Ju Lee, University of Hawaii at Honolulu ; Yasuhiko Saito, Nihon University ; Yi-Li Chuang, Bureau of Health Promotion, Taiwan ; Yu-Hsuan Lin, Bureau of Health Promotion, Taiwan
Cortisol Patterns and Stress in Working Parents Lianne M. Kurina, University of Chicago ; Barbara Schneider, University of Chicago
Family Planning, Gender Preference, and Child Health: The Case of Bangladesh Juhua Yang, Brown University
Love and Death in Germany. The Marital Biography and Its Impact on Mortality Hilke Brockmann, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research
Access to Safe Drinking Water: Effects on Health and Time Management Garimella Rama Rao, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) ; Sita K, Independent Consultant ; Prasad M.N.V., International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
Water Resources and Quality of Life: Case Studies in Indian Villages Rekha Krishnan, Tata Energy Research Institute
Commuting and Exposure to Airborne Carcinogenic Materials: A Case Study of Bangkok Priyakamon Khan, Mahidol University ; Sureeporn Punpuing, Mahidol University ; Martin A. Hooper, Monash University ; Bev Hooper, Monash University
Effect of Early Health on Cognitive Ability Carolina Milesi, University of Wisconsin at Madison
Adult Health Transition in Low-Income Asia: Evidence from Indonesia and China John Strauss, Michigan State University ; Agus Dwiyanto, Gadjah Mada University ; Zhehui Luo, Michigan State University ; Bondan Sikoki, RAND
Change and Continuity in Mortality Trends in Romania: A Case Study of Eastern European Mortality Solveig Argeseanu, University of Pennsylvania
Acceleration of the Rate of Increase of Centenarians: A Comparison of England, France and Japan Jean Marie Robine, Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM) ; Carol Jagger, University of Leicester
Native American-White Differences in Adult Health Shu-chuan Wang, University of Texas at Austin
Gender Differentials in the Leading Causes of Death among African American in the United States Monique Wilson, Morgan State University ; Mian B. Hossain, Morgan State University
Are Sex Mortality Differentials Biologically Caused? Madigan Revisited by a New Comparison of Sex-Specific Survival in Monastic and General Population Marc A. Luy, Federal Institute for Population Research, Germany
Sociodemographic Characteristics of Homicides in Puerto Rico: 1990-1999 Raul Figueroa, University of Puerto Rico
Demographics of Tobacco Use in Puerto Rico: 1996-2000 Luz Leon, University of Puerto Rico ; Dinorah Heredia, University of Puerto Rico
Life Course of Cardiovascular Disease by Smoking History -Multistate Life Table Analysis of the Framingham Heart Study Original Cohort Abdullah A. Mamun, University of Groningen ; Anna Peeters, Erasmus University ; Jan Barendregt, Erasmus University ; Wilma Nusselder, Erasmus University ; Luc Bonnuex, Erasmus University
A Longitudinal Study of Maternal Morbidity and Mortality in a Remote Region of Northern Tanzania Brooke R Johnson, Ipas ; Moke Magoma, St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Tanzania ; Paul W. Leslie, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ; Trude Bennett, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Population Composition as an Intervening Mechanism in the Relationship between Income Inequality and Mortality in U.S. States Elayne J. Heisler, Duke University
Admission to General Hospital as a Predictor for Suicide among the Elderly Annette Erlangsen, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research
The Effect of Veteran Status on Mortality among Older Americans and Its Pathways Xian Liu, Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USUHS) ; Charles Engel, Jr., Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences (USUHS) ; Han Kang, Department of Veterans Affairs ; David Cowan, Walter Reed Army Medical Center
Utilizing Successful Research in Community-Based Services with Constrained Resources: The Nkwanta Experience Catalyzing Organizational Change in Rural Ghana John K Awoonor-Williams, Volta Regional Health Administration ; Tanya C. Jones, Population Council ; Frank Nyonator, Ghana Health Service ; James F. Phillips, Population Council
Children's Health Insurance 2001 Shailesh R Bhandari, U.S. Census Bureau ; Elizabeth J. Gifford, Pennsylvania State University
Gaps and Transitions in Health Care Access: Welfare Reform and America's Uninsured Poor Children Deborah Graefe, Pennsylvania State University ; Pamela Farley Short, Pennsylvania State University ; Tokunba Oluwole, Pennsylvania State University
Unequal Access: Why Are Some Children Using Hospital-Based Facilities as a Usual Source of Care? Kelly Holder, Brown University
Correlates of Medicaid Status: An Examination of Children from Low-Income Families in Boston, Chicago, and San Antonio Ronald Angel, University of Texas at Austin ; Sonia Frias, University of Texas at Austin ; Terrence Hill, University of Texas at Austin ; Maren Andrea Jimenez, University of Texas at Austin
Adolescents’ Use of Maternal and Child Health Services in Developing Countries Heidi W. Reynolds, Family Health International ; Shyam Thapa, Family Health International ; Emily Wong, Family Health International ; Catherine Harcum ; Heidi Toms
Access to Health Care during the Transition to Adulthood for Youth with Disabilities Elizabeth J. Gifford, Pennsylvania State University
Where Does India Stand? Can Legalization of Induced Abortion Really Save the Lives of Indian Women: A Study Based on Evidence from Five Major Indian States Paromita Dutta, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
County Characteristics and Racial and Ethnic Disparities in the Use of Preventive Services Maureen R Benjamins, University of Texas at Austin ; James B. Kirby, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) ; Stephanie A. Bond Huie, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)
Reducing Parameters by Developing a New Mortality Model Rajesh K. Chauhan, Planning Department, Uttar Pradesh, India
Spatial Implications of Different Mortality Standardization Schemes Ronald E. Cossman, Mississippi State University ; Jeralynn S. Cossman, Mississippi State University ; Troy Blanchard, Mississippi State University ; Wesley James, Mississippi State University ; Carol Campbell, Mississippi State University
Estimation of Adult Survival Probabilities at Various Five-Year Ages beyond Age 5 from the Cumulative Life Table Survival Ratios - T(x+5)/T(x) in Life Table Terminology: A Methodological Investigation Subrata Lahiri, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
A Comparison of Six Methods for Decomposition of Changes in Expectation of Life at Birth and Differentials in Life Expectancy at Birth Krishna Murthy Ponnapalli, Addis Ababa University
Using Burial Surveillance Data to Monitor HIV/AIDS Mortality in Developing Countries. An Example from Ethiopia Georges Reniers, University of Pennsylvania ; Tekebash Araya, Addis Ababa University ; Eduard Sanders, Ethiopian Health and Nutrition Research Institute
National Data Sources on the Risk and Incidence of Firearm-Related Injuries and Deaths Brian Wiersema, University of Maryland