Developing State Population Estimates: Can the Current Two Methods Be Integrated into One?
Katherine M. Condon, U.S. Census Bureau
Larry D. Sink, U.S. Census Bureau
Sam T. Davis, U.S. Census Bureau
In response to the demand by planners for timely dissemination of sub-national population estimates by demographic characteristics, the Census Bureau is examining the development and production of the current set of state population estimates by demographic characteristics. Currently the Census Bureau develops two sets of state population estimates by characteristics, each employing its own methodology. The first is developed using Component Method II. The second is developed using Cohort Component method. It is proposed that the two sets be integrated into one set with full detail to be released in the spring, rather than currently in the summer. In this paper there will be an evaluation of the estimates produced by these two methodologies for the year 2000 compared against Census 2000. It will conclude with a discussion of the issues to consider in such an integration process, and some recommendations for integrating the two methodologies.
Presented in Session 90: Small Area Population Estimates and Projections