Friday, May 2 / 12:30 PM - 2:20 PM   •   Board Room 2

Session 109:
Population and Environment: New Approaches and Methodologies

Chair: Barbara Entwisle, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Discussant: Emilio Moran, Indiana University

  1. An Integrative Model with Agent-Based Artificial Intelligence and GIS (IMABAIG): Simulating Spatio-Dynamics of Rural Households and the Associated Impacts on Giant Panda Habitats in the Wolong Nature Reserve (China)Li An, Michigan State University ; Marc Linderman, Michigan State University ; Ashton Shortridge, Michigan State University ; Jianguo (Jack) Liu, Michigan State University

  2. Turning Influential Data Points into Ethnographic Informants: Elaborating Links between Population Dynamics and Environmental ConsumptionLisa D. Pearce, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ; William G. Axinn, University of Michigan ; Indra Chaudhary, Population and Ecology Research Laboratory (PERL)

  3. Spatial Configuration of Malaria Risk on the Amazon FrontierMarcia C. De Castro, Princeton University

  4. Health and Haze: The Immediate and Medium Term Effects of Smoke Inundation on the Health of Adults in IndonesiaElizabeth Frankenberg, University of California, Los Angeles ; Douglas M. McKee, University of California, Los Angeles

  5. Population in Greenhouse Gas Emissions Projections: Bridging Scenario-Based and Fully Probabilistic Approaches to Representing UncertaintyBrian C. O'Neill, International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)

Other sessions on Data and Methods