Session 114:
Gender and Demographic Processes
Chair: Sunita Kishor, ORC Macro
Discussant: Nancy Riley, Bowdoin College
How Pervasive Is Gender Discrimination in Childhood Care and Nutrition in India? Vinod Mishra, East West Center ; Tarun K. Roy, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) ; Robert D. Retherford, East West Center
Gender Differentials in Motives, and Incentives for Migration, Peru 1997: The Role of Wages, Employment, Marriage, Networks, and Relative Deprivation Vajeera S. Dorabawila, Department of Homeless Services, City of New York
"Take Your Mat and Go!": Rural Malawian Women's Strategies in the HIV/AIDS Era Enid Schatz, University of the Witwatersrand
Integrating Gender into Reproductive Health Outcomes: Does It Make a Difference to Outcomes? Carol Boender, Independent Consultant ; Diana Santana, JSI Research and Training Institute ; Diana Santillan, JSI Research and Training Institute ; Karen Hardee, Futures Group International
Other sessions on Gender