Session 156:
Gender, Power, and Reproduction
Chair: Elisha Renne, University of Michigan
Discussant: Shireen J. Jejeebhoy, Population Council
Latino Men's Perceptions of Gender, Power, and Culture in Reproductive Health M. Catherine Maternowska, University of California, San Francisco ; Amy Godecker, University of California, San Francisco
Changes in Marriage and Childbearing Decision-Making and the Timing of First Birth in Rural China Ying Hong, Stockholm University
Is It Big Talk or Women’s Power? Spousal Communication and Perceptions of Childbearing Desires in a Pare Community in Northern Tanzania Ulla Larsen, Harvard University ; Marida Hollos, Brown University
Bridewealth and Male Dominance: Reproductive Decision Making among Couples in Uganda Tom O. Owuor, University of Maryland
Other sessions on Fertility, Family Planning and Reproductive Health