Session 51:
Identity, Racial Boundaries, and Patterns of Social and Self-Classification
Chair: Mary E. Campbell, University of Wisconsin at Madison
Discussant: Samuel L. Myers, Jr., University of Minnesota
The Urbanization of Native Americans: The Experience of Mixed Ethnicities in Los Angeles Darcy W. Hango, Ohio State University ; Paula A. Arriagada, Ohio State University
Biracial Black/White Children and Class: The Semi-Permeable Boundaries of Race in America Aaron Gullickson, University of California, Berkeley
Bleach in the Rainbow: Latino Ethnicity and Preference for Whiteness William Darity, Jr., Duke University and University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ; Jason Dietrich, U.S. Office of the Comptroller ; Darrick Hamilton, University of Michigan
The “One-Drop Rule”: Does Hypodescent Still Operate for Multiracial Americans? Mary E. Campbell, University of Wisconsin at Madison
Other sessions on Race and Ethnicity