Session 82:
Race, Ethnicity and the Niceties of Neighborhoods
Chair: Alisa Lewin, University of Haifa
Discussant: Jacob L. Vigdor, Duke University
Movin' on Up? Racial Inequality in Children's Neighborhood Socioeconomic Status Jeffrey M. Timberlake, University of Chicago
Race-Ethnic Preference and Neighborhood Quality Effects on Residential Mobility Decisions: Evidence from the Los Angeles Survey of Families and Neighborhoods Vanesa Estrada, University of California, Los Angeles ; Robert D. Mare, University of California, Los Angeles
Historical Trends in the Determinants of Exiting and Entering Poor Neighborhoods Kyle D. Crowder, Western Washington University ; Scott J. South, University at Albany, State University of New York
The Place of Opportunity: Community and Individual Determinants of Economic Hardship among Jews and Arabs in Israel Alisa Lewin, University of Haifa ; Haya Stier, Tel Aviv University ; Daphna Caspi-Dror, Tel Aviv University
Other sessions on Race and Ethnicity