Thursday, May 1 / 8:30 AM - 10:20 AM   •   Directors Row 4

Session 9:
Immigrants and the Labor Market

Chair: Gretchen Livingston, University of Pennsylvania
Discussant: Nolan J. Malone, University of Pennsylvania

  1. Job Quality and the Assimilation Process of US ImmigrantsMaria E. Enchautegui, University of Puerto Rico

  2. Underemployment across Immigrant GenerationsLeif Jensen, Pennsylvania State University ; Tim Slack, Pennsylvania State University

  3. Immigrant-Native Differentials in Multiple-Earner Strategies and Household PovertyAlexa K. Kennedy-Puthoff, University of Maryland

  4. Self-Employment among the Portuguese in the U.S.: Can It Be Explained by Class or Ethnic Resources?Maria Mulcahy, Brown University

Other sessions on Migration and Urbanization