Poster Session 3:
Work, Education, Welfare, Parenting and Children
The Demographic, Socioeconomic and Cultural Determinants of Child Fostering in Burkina Faso Younoussi Zourkaleini, University of Ouagadougou and Université de Montréal
Parental Survival and Living Arrangements of Children in Malawi Henry V. Doctor, University of Pennsylvania
Demographic Effects of Poverty: Findings from the Participatory Poverty Assessment of Thailand Sirirat Taneerananon, Prince of Songkla University
The Role of Grandmothers in Low-Income Hispanic Families Paula Fomby, Johns Hopkins University
Children's Access to Coresident Grandparenting in Contemporary Pacific Societies and Its Impact on Educational Attainment Sela Panapasa, University of Michigan ; Timoci Bainimarama, Fiji Islands Bureau of Statistics ; Vasemaca Lewai, Fiji Islands Bureau of Statistics
Sons and Daughters: Father’s Involvement and Marital Stability Michael S. Pollard, Duke University
Quality of Family Welfare Services in Four Selected States of India: From Exit Eligible Women's Perpsective Dibya Mahanta, Utkal University
Social Connections of Adolescents in Single Father Families Susan Jekielek, Child Trends ; Brett Brown, Child Trends ; Berkeley Smith, Child Trends
The American Community Survey: A Tool for Describing the Family and Household Experiences of Children and Adolescents with Disabilities Robin T. Levine, U.S. Census Bureau
The Economic Wellbeing of Multi-Generational Households with Children: Measurement Issues and Policy Implications Pamela Davidson, University of Wisconsin at Madison ; Nancy Folbre, University of Massachusetts ; Tamara Ohler, University of Massachusetts
What about the Children? Indicators from Census Supplementary Surveys Related to PRWORA and TANF Evaluation Measures: 2000-2001 Jane L. Dye, U.S. Census Bureau ; Robin T. Levine, U.S. Census Bureau
Impact of Family, School and Classroom Factors on Children's Achievement Annie Georges, Columbia University
Self-Control and Contextual Influences: The Roles of Familial and Kindergarten Experiences Christine P. Li-Grining, Northwestern University
Changes in the Lives of U.S. Children: 1990-2000 Kristin Smith, U.S. Census Bureau ; Robert Kominski, U.S. Census Bureau ; Julia V. Overturf, U.S. Census Bureau
Assessing Gilligan versus Sommers: Gender-Specific Trends in Child and Youth Well-Being in the United States, 1985 - 1999 Sarah Meadows, Duke University ; Vicki Lamb, Duke University
School Readiness Skills of Biracial Children: Findings from the ECLS-K Nicholas Zill, Westat, Inc.
A Sociodemographic Risk Index? Kristin Moore, Child Trends ; Sharon Vandivere, Child Trends ; Zakia Redd, Child Trends
The Role of Mothers' Preferences in Children's Schooling Outcomes: Allocations under Varied Household Structures Joyce J. Chen, Harvard University
Educational Support and Children’s Living Arrangements over the Life Course Sangeetha Madhavan, University of the Witwatersrand
Assessing the Links between Emotional and Behavioral School Engagement and Academic Performance among High School Adolescents Frank Avenilla, Pennsylvania State University
Protecting Youth: Countering Risk Behaviour with Universal Protective Factors Manirul I. Khan, Mahidol University ; Khurshid K. Talukder, Institute of Child and Mother Health ; Sabina Faiz Rashid, BRAC ; AMR Mushtaque Chowdhury, BRAC ; Shamim H. Talukder, Institute of Child and Mother Health
Improving the Prediction of Risk Behaviors of Filipino Adolescents: Beyond Demographic, Socioeconomic and Family Structure Factors Corazon M. Raymundo, University of the Philippines
Explaining Patterns of Adolescent Drug Use and Sexual Behaviors: The Role of Ethnicity, Nativity, and Context Jon Hussey, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill ; Denise Hallfors, Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation ; Hyunsan Cho, Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation ; Bonita Iritani, Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation ; Martha Waller, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
Racial/Ethnic Differences in the Relationship between Parenting Style and Sexual Risk-Taking among Adolescents Anne K. Driscoll, University of California, Davis ; Stephen T. Russell, University of California, Davis ; Lisa J. Crockett, University of Nebraska at Lincoln ; Brandy A. Randall, North Dakota State University
Parenting Patterns and Adolescents' Avoidance of Risky Behaviors Sharon Vandivere, Child Trends
Family Influences on the Risk Behaviors of Filipino Adolescents Grace T. Cruz, University of the Philippines
Adolescent Behavior and Family Relationships Julia V. Overturf, U.S. Census Bureau ; Barbara Downs, U.S. Census Bureau
Parent and Youth Perceptions of Vulnerability: Does Correspondence Affect Behavior? John Schneider, University of Chicago
School Dropout, Adolescent Work and Mother's Work in Developing Countries: The Mexican Case Silvia Elena Giorguli Saucedo, El Colegio de México
Bilingual Education and Poverty Alleviation: Evidence from Indigenous Children in Mexico Susan Parker, Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE) ; Graciela M. Teruel, Universidad Iberoamericana
Poverty in Mexico, 1990-2020 James Pick, University of Redlands ; Maria-Antonieta Rebeil, Universidad Iberoamericana
The Role of Information in Postsecondary Enrollment Outcomes Eric Grodsky, University of California, Davis ; Stefanie DeLuca, Johns Hopkins University
The Effect of Grade Repetition on Returns to Schooling in Brazil Christopher E. Dunn, University of Michigan
Positive Outcomes from Poor Starts: Predictors of Dropping Back In Christopher Jepsen, Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) ; Laura Hill, Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) ; Deborah S. Reed, Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC)
Are Public Basic Education Mexican Teachers Negatively Selected? Liliana Meza, Universidad Iberoamericana ; Carla Pederzini, Universidad Iberoamericana
The Role of Religiosity in Educational Attainment: The Case of Fundamentalist Protestants in the United States Evelyn Lehrer, University of Illinois at Chicago
Access to Education: Implications of Alternative Measures of Access Derived from Quantitative and Qualitative Data Marya R. Sosulski, University of Wisconsin at Madison
Gender Differentials in Education in India Sonya Rastogi, University of Maryland
Poverty or Ethnicity? Differences in Schooling of Rural Youths in Yucatan Peninsula Cecilia A. Rabell, Universidad Nacional Autonoma De Mexico ; Marta Mier-y-Teran, Universidad Nacional Autonoma De Mexico
The Earnings Gap by Occupation and Educational Attainment: Findings from Census 2000 Jennifer Cheeseman Day, U.S. Census Bureau ; Nikki L. Graf, U.S. Census Bureau ; Kurt J. Bauman, U.S. Census Bureau
Racial Wage Inequality: Job Composition Effects across U.S. Labor Markets Philip N. Cohen, University of California, Irvine ; Matt Huffman, University of California, Irvine
Gender Differences in Becoming Self-Employed in Taiwan and Korea Fengbin Chang, University of Chicago
Trends in Women’s Self-Employment Participation, 1940-1990 Michelle Budig, University of Massachusetts
Occupational Sex-Typing and Employment Transitions among Women and Men Hyunjoo Min, Cornell University ; Marin Clarkberg, Cornell University
Migration Histories and Occupational Achievement Clara H. Mulder, University of Amsterdam ; Maarten van Ham, University of Amsterdam
On Race and U.S. Labor Force Growth Quincy Stewart, Indiana University
The Enlistment, Enrollment and Employment Decisions of Youth: 1973-2001 Meredith A. Kleykamp, Princeton University
Determinants of Female Work Participation in India Jalandhar Pradhan, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS)
Institutionalizing Women's Employment: Understanding Cross-National Variation in Women's Work Becky Pettit, University of Washington ; Jennifer L. Hook, University of Washington
Patterns and Predictors of Women's Employment during Early Parenthood: An Application of the Group-Based Trajectory Method Kathryn Hynes, Cornell University
The Impact of Female Headship on Working Daughters' Occupational Attainment: A Re-Examination of the Disadvantage Hypothesis Leanna M. Mellott, Ohio State University ; Sharon Sassler, Ohio State University
Effects of Spatial Segregation and Local Labor Markets on the Income and Employment Status of Black and White South Africans Troy A. Powell, Duke University
A Dynamic Analysis of Unemployment and Household Economic Well-Being in Korea David C. Ribar, George Washington University ; Sung Un Kim, George Washington University ; Maria Laura Di Tommaso, University of Turin
Parenting across State Lines: Effect of the Uniform Interstate Family Support Act Yunhee Chang, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ; Andrea H. Beller, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Child Support Enforcement and Unmmarried Fathers’ Participation in the Underground Economy Lauren Rich, University of Chicago ; Qin Gao, Columbia University
Do Welfare Sanctions Work? Measuring the Impacts of Sanctions on Economic Well-Being of Sanctioned TANF Recipients Chi-Fang Wu, University of Wisconsin at Madison
The Effect of Work Transitions on Depression among Current and Former Welfare Recipients Lisa M. Altenbernd, Northwestern University ; Dan A. Lewis, Northwestern University
Work Schedule Problems and Parenting Stress among Unmarried Welfare Mothers with Very Young Children Eunjeong Kim, University of Texas at Austin ; Yolanda C. Padilla, University of Texas at Austin ; Seung-Eun Song, University of Texas at Austin