International Female Migration and the Problem of Trafficking: A Study Based on Nepali Migrants in India
Arun kUmar Acharya, Universidad Nacional Autonoma De Mexico
Migration has a potential of negative impacts, such as trafficking of women, which is a dark side of International migration. Due to acute poverty, unemployment, shortage of agricultural land, Nepali women are migrated to India with a organized trafficking net-work. This study highlights the basic feature on trend of international migration and problem of trafficking, using primary and secondary information. There is an increasing trend in migration and decreasing trend in women trafficking during 1951-61, 1961-71 and 1971-81, but during 1981-91 and 1991-2001 found decreasing trend in migration and increasing trend in women trafficking. Forty-two percent of women are below the age of concern. Ten and 32 percent are illiterate and educated up-to secondary level. Poverty, unemployment, coercion are causes behind trafficking. Forty percent have problem of HIV/AIDS. Using spatial analysis and demographic techniques, this paper attempts to show the effect of different factors on migration and subsequently on trafficking.
Presented in Poster Session 6: Migration, Urbanization, Race and Ethnicity