Poster Session 6:
Migration, Urbanization, Race and Ethnicity
Internal Migration in China, 1996-2000: An Ecological Perspective Xiaodong Wang, Texas A&M University ; Xiuhong You, Texas A&M University
Internal Migration and Ethnic Conflicts in South Western Kenya: A View from Gucha District Valerie Golaz, Institut National d'Études Démographiques (INED)
Beyond Income Differentials: Improving Our Understanding of Interstate Migration in Mexico Estela Rivero-Fuentes, Princeton University
Individual and Contextual Determinants of Internal Migration in Russia, 1985-2001 Theodore Gerber, University of Arizona
Return Migration in China: New Methods and Findings Zai Liang, University at Albany, State University of New York and Queens College ; Yingfeng Wu, Stony Brook University, State University of New York
Internal Migration of the Older Population in the United States: 2000 Wan He, U.S. Census Bureau ; Jason P. Schachter, U.S. Census Bureau
Relative Deprivation and Migration in an Agricultural Setting of Chitwan Valley, Nepal Prem Bahadur Bhandari, Pennsylvania State University
Moving for Care: Findings from the HIV Cost and Services Utilization Study Andrew S. London, Syracuse University ; Janet Wilmoth, Syracuse University
First Nations Mobility on the Prairies: Understanding Migration Decisions Martin J. Cooke, University of Western Ontario ; Danièle Bélanger, University of Western Ontario
Keeping a Foot in the Rural Area: Migration Dynamics, Household Structure and the Link with Socio-Economic Status in Rural South Africa Mark Collinson, University of the Witwatersrand ; Stephen Tollman, University of the Witwatersrand ; Kathleen Kahn, University of the Witwatersrand ; Martin Wittenburg, University of the Witwatersrand
Rural Poor Towards Dhaka Debashish Roy, Australian National University
Migration and Urbanization in Burkina Faso. The Impact of Rural Development Policies Cris Beauchemin, University of Montreal ; Bruno Schoumaker, University of Montreal ; Bonayi Dabire, University of Ouagadougou ; Victor Piché, University of Montreal
Urbanization Patterns and Policies in Romania in 1948-2000 Ionica Berevoescu, University of Bucharest
Unemployment, Lay-Off, Poverty and its Demographic Consequents in Urban China Zaisheng Zhang, Nankai University
Demographic Distress in the Heartland: Exploring Patterns of Growth and Decline Katherine J. Curtis White, University of Washington ; Jerald R. Herting, University of Washington
Impact of Migration on Population Dynamics: Regional Demographic Scenarios in Indonesia Salahudin S. Muhidin, Brown University
Migration and Land Use Changes: A Case Study of Hyderabad Urban Development Area Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques Neelakantan K. Iyer, National Remote Sensing Agency, India ; Sumati Kulkarni, International Institute for Population Sciences (IIPS) ; Raghavaswamy V, National Remote Sensing Agency, India
Bangladesh Migrants into the Brahmaputra Valley and Its Impact on the Agricultural Labour Market B.S. Mipun, North-Eastern Hill University
Lowest Low Fertility in an Urban Context: The Role of Migration in Turin, Italy Francesca Michielin, University of Padua
Projecting Indian Populations for the Purpose of Determining Water Requirements: Methodological Issues Gretchen Greene, Northwest Economic Associates ; Michael Taylor, Northwest Economic Associates ; Jeri Sawyer, Northwest Economic Associates
Improving Internal Migration Data for State and County Population Estimates: Can the American Community Survey Inform? Hyo C. Park, U.S. Census Bureau ; Bashiruddin Ahmed, U.S. Census Bureau
Residential Segregation in Places John Iceland, U.S. Census Bureau ; Erika Steinmetz, U.S. Census Bureau
Establishing Segregation in Northern U.S. Cities from 1880 to 2000: New Evidence from New York, Chicago, Cleveland, New Orleans and Elsewhere Andrew A. Beveridge, Queens College and Grad Ctr -- CUNY ; Susan Weber, Queens College ; Charis Ng, Vanderbilt University and Queens College ; Michiyo Yamashiki, Queens College
Socioeconomic Well-Being and Migration: A Case Study of Three Zones in Bogotá, Colombia Maria Aysa, University of Pennsylvania
Migration and the Production of Poverty in the Refugee Camps of Jordan Marwan Khawaja, American University of Beirut
The Comparative Study of Residential Segregation between Blacks in Detroit and Hispanics in San Diego Metropolitan Areas Hideki Morooka, University at Albany, State University of New York
Exiting and Entering Poor Neighborhoods: Latinos, Blacks, and Anglos Compared Scott J. South, University at Albany, State University of New York ; Kyle D. Crowder, Western Washington University ; Erick Chavez, University at Albany, State University of New York
African American Economic and Racial Residential Segregation in U.S. Metropolitan Areas John Iceland, U.S. Census Bureau ; Cicely Sharpe, U.S. Census Bureau ; Erika Steinmetz, U.S. Census Bureau
Documentary Clues about Clandestine Migration: Steamship Passenger Manifests and the Chinese American Diaspora, 1882-1943 Ken Chew, University of California, Irvine ; John Liu, University of California, Irvine ; Gary Richardson, University of California, Irvine ; Mark Leach, University of California, Irvine
Network Migration: Nicaraguans to Costa Rica and the United States Juan Carlos Vargas, Universidad de Costa Rica ; Leila Rodriguez, Pennsylvania State University
Legalization Hoops: An Examination of the Barriers to Legalization among Mexican Migrants Nolan J. Malone, University of Pennsylvania
Determinants of the Possession of Legal Documents among Mexican Women Who Have Migrated to the U.S. Silje Pettersen, Georgetown University
International Female Migration and the Problem of Trafficking: A Study Based on Nepali Migrants in India Arun kUmar Acharya, Universidad Nacional Autonoma De Mexico
Trafficking in Persons: Concepts, Intervention Models and Implications for Reproductive Health and HIV/AIDS Program Research Dale Huntington, World Bank Group ; Philip Guest, Population Council
Does It Matter Who You Are? How Characteristics Influence Immigrants’ State and Local Fiscal Impacts Deborah L. Garvey, Santa Clara University
Migration and Remittances from Central Texas to Mexico: Factors Shaping the Activation of Financial Services Jennifer J. Tovar, University of Texas at Austin ; Felipe Gonzalez Ortiz, Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia ; Peter Ward, University of Texas at Austin
Reproductive and Child Health Care Status in Rajasthan: Empirical Evidence from One of the Developing States of India Pradeep KUMAR. Bhargava, National Institute of Adult Education (NIAE)
Health Insurance Coverage among Immigrants in Los Angeles Julia C. Prentice, University of California, Los Angeles
Immigration, Gender, and Health Behaviors in the United States Lorena Lopez-Gonzalez, University of Texas at Austin ; Veronica C. Aravena, University of Texas at Austin
Education of Floating Children in China Fang Wang, China Youth University for Political Science
Cohabitation among Second Generation Swedes of Turkish and Polish Origin Eva Bernhardt, Stockholm University ; Calvin Goldscheider, Brown University
Assimilation or Upward Mobility? The Intermarriage Patterns among Asian Immigrants Chiung-fang Chang, Texas A&M University ; Carol S. Walther, Texas A&M University
Refugees/Asylum Seekers and the Problem of Adjustment in South Africa Asmamaw Agaze, University of North West
Fertility Disrupted: The Effects of Migration and Country of Origin on Immigrant Women's Fertility Stephanie Nawyn, University of Southern California
Pre- Migration or Post-Migration Factors: Which Ones Account for Migrants’ Sexual Risk-Taking Behavior? Macoumba Thiam, University of Montreal
Labour Market Performance of the 1990's Immigrants to Canada Tina W.L. Chui, Statistics Canada ; Jane Badets, Statistics Canada
Migration and the National Census: Who Is Counted and What Is Left behind (the Case-Study of the Meskhetian Turks’ Participation in the Russian Census 2002) Elisaveta A. Koriouchkina, Brown University
Estimating Immigrant Populations Barbara J. Ronningen, Minnesota State Demographic Center
Canada's Changing Ethno-Cultural Portrait: Findings from the 2001 Census Jane Badets, Statistics Canada ; Tina W.L. Chui, Statistics Canada
The Older Immigrant Population of the United States Jeanne Batalova, University of California, Irvine ; Judith Treas, University of California, Irvine
Glass Ceiling; Different Labor Market Achievement for Asian Immigrant Men from White Men Changhwan Kim, University of Texas at Austin
Discrimination when No-One Discriminates Sheila Ards, Benedict College ; Samuel L. Myers, Jr., University of Minnesota ; Allan Malkis, University of Minnesota
Job Reservation Policy in India: Do Ethnicity and Gender Confound Returns to Education? Maitreyi B. Das, World Bank Group
Attitudes toward Arab Americans in Detroit in 1992 Sapna Swaroop, University of Michigan ; Colleen Heflin, University of Kentucky
Producing Population Estimates Using Vital Statistics Data with Limited Race Detail Amy S. Smith, U.S. Census Bureau ; Nicholas A. Jones, U.S. Census Bureau
An Overview of Health Data on American Indians: What Is Available and How Can It Be Analyzed? Ginger L. Gossman, University of Texas at Austin