Labour Market Performance of the 1990's Immigrants to Canada

Tina W.L. Chui, Statistics Canada
Jane Badets, Statistics Canada

This study examines the labour market experience of immigrants arriving in Canada in the 1990's. Earlier studies have indicated that immigrants who landed in the early 1990's had difficulties finding employment. After up to 10 years in Canada, the assimilation perspective would hypothesize that these immigrants should overcome the initial obstacles. Using the latest Canadian Census in 2001 and the Longitudinal Immigration Database, this study aims to provide some timely findings on the employment experience of this early 1990's immigrant cohort. Their experience in 2001 and 1996 will be compared to evaluate the extent of progress in integration. Cross-sectional Census data will be supplemented with longitudinal administrative records on immigration to analyze earnings pattern, especially during the initial years after landing and the role of human capital at landing on labour force performance.

Presented in Poster Session 6: Migration, Urbanization, Race and Ethnicity